best before (passed) & a yarnbomb for the weekend

12 11 2010


Hello loves,

First, let me apologise for this long overdue post.  I’ve been working on all sorts of things, including a pair of socks that just won’t finish, Stompin’ Tom and a knitted city.  I think all will be great when they’re finished, but it hasn’t left me much time to post shenanigans from 2 weeks ago.

It is at this point of my writing that I notice that my camera has EATEN the photos I took of what follows.  Yes.  They are gone.  So I’ll describe as best I

can and see if I can draw some illustrations or something.


Meemats and I got up to some random guerrilla art in the Nature’s Fare

parking lot.  She made these great handbills for underneath the windshield wiper blades of parked cars.  A public service announcement, really.  She’s wonderful. It was a vintage looking mustachio awareness campaign. “Don’t let them happen to you – or the ones you love” great shit, really.

After that we headed off to do some stitchery and bitchery and then, you may have noticed, if you’ve driven PV Rd over the past 2 week,s that the penis tree has once again been adorned by a cozy.  But this time, it’s decidedly more G-rated. It’s a simple blue snugglie that says “STOP” on it in bright red.  Not too certain why, but it’s cute.  I’ll get some pics tomorrow when I got into town.

This weekend I’ll be “on vacation” in Kamloops (Camel Poops) to visit my B and I have a little yarnbomb planned for that… so I’ll post it as soon as I can.

In the meantime, this was so oddly tangential that I had to share.  Wordpress gives me the Top Searches on the stats page for my blog, and I don’t know what this is supposed to mean, but they are all somewhat related and yet not at all to what I post about here. I found it funny.  This is what it said today:

Top Searches

knitting for shits and giggles, (knit shit)

famous knitted art embarcadero, (yarnbomb in SF)

evacuate a building, (Auckland… ‘nuf said)

christchurch parking ticket, (Chch yarnbomb)

aidan knight (because he rocks and sings about knitting and everyone should become familiar with his music and go to shows and buy lots o records from this friendly chap.)

With that, I bid you all a good night and I promise pictures soon.

And now, for your patience, a bonus picture of something really great we found in the PV area.

knitified out.