Knitified does Kamloops

26 10 2009

So, spent some time in ‘Loops this weekend, visiting a friend, and knitified the city at the same time.   We made two small knitifications, including the tree sweater from YarnBombing and some little red flowers on a tree with all too few leaves.  Photos coming soon. 

Oh, and the black nut warmers are still in place.


23 10 2009

So the camo nut warmers on PV are still intact and in place.  This is day 3, so I’m up by 50% already. In addition, the pink nut warmers in Polson Park (with the hand-written request to allow them to stay in place) have been respected.  Even as the park workers cleared out all the dead plants, tilled the soil and planted bulbs, they left the nut warmers in place.  How considerate!

VCAC has been knitified

21 10 2009

Xerindipity Garden, south side.

Knitified Retaliates

21 10 2009

Remove my knitifications, will you?  We’ll see about that!  Here’s my (superbly camoflaged) retaliation tag on PV plus one at the Chatty Ass cafe. 

So there!

In related news, whist driving around the city last night looking for bolts, I realised that Vernon has some really big nuts!  Too big for my modestly sized cozies…  We were hoping to tag a light standard near bookland end of town, but those nuts were huge!  Now I know.

Stolen Nut-Warmers on PV Rd

16 10 2009
Okay.  So the RED nut warmers on PV road have been stripped.  As my good buddy asked, “Is nothing sacred?!?”  This is her theory of what went down, rendered in MSPaint, I believe.  You’ll also notice that the Ninja responsible for removing the nut-cozies is much more stealthy than we were when we put them on the nuts in the first place.
I’m feeling a bit sentimental because this is the first knitification that has been removed.
 >misty eyed<
Note to self: Knitifications on PV only last a day or two.

Knitified! Request to park workers.

15 10 2009

Guerilla Cairn-making Strikes Vernon

11 10 2009
Yep.  Cairns.  Ducks.  Inukshuks.  Call them what you will.  They ended up on my driveway.  About 7 of them in all.  Whoever did this: you ROCK! 

Knitification of Polson Park

11 10 2009

These tags are part of the knitification in Polson Park that started showing up about 2 weeks ago.  The first to appear was the red tree-mitten at the skate park, then the post-cozy.  The pipe-warmer and the bolt-cozies showed up next, and just two days ago, the redstripe tree-mitten.

Getting sorted

10 10 2009

Will post some pix on Tuesday, if not before then.  Some interesting things going on in Polson Park…